Title: Shortest Trip to Earth Genre(s): Simulation – Real-time – Sci-fi Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: August 15, 2019 Company: Interactive Fate / Iceberg Interactive
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FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Explore a detailed and deadly universe Embark on a perilous journey through a procedurally generated universe and explore massive space sectors crawling with exotic lifeforms. Engage in action-packed tactical combat against hostile ships, boarding parties and inter-dimensional space monsters. Each ship comes with its own strengths and weaknesses Master the art of survival by customising your ship with modular components and perks. Choose from a range of spaceships and manage life within your vessel – from crew, pets and drones to ship modules and weapons. Shape your journey through hundreds of multiple-choice events, featuring unique hand-drawn illustrations. A selection of crew types Shortest Trip to Earth features unforgiving permadeath, but you can unlock perks to increase the odds of survival on your next run. Key Features – Master the art of survival in unexplored space! – Traverse a procedurally generated universe full of intrigue – Ship customisation & crew management – Epic real-time tactical space battles – Onboard combat, featuring hostile intruders, drones and battle-hardened pets – Hundreds of random events with unique outcomes – Uncover fascinating and exotic stories from across the universe
Video/s from the Game:
Shortest Trip to Earth (c) Interactive Fate / Iceberg Interactive From the writer of “Teleglitch: Die More Edition” comes Shortest Trip to Earth, a roguelike spaceship simulator featuring exploration, ship management, game-influencing decision-making and real-time tactical battles. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/shortest_trip_to_earth How to Easily Download & Install
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Size: 718.4 MB Shortest Trip to Earth v1.3.7 + 2 DLC [GOG] Size: 370.4 MB Shortest Trip to Earth 1.0.12 (GOG) Size: 718.4 MB Shortest Trip to Earth v1. 2. 11 + 1 DLC [GOG]